Financial Oversight Experience
Solicited and secured $1.6M grant funding, providing Child and Youth Program outreach to military families, assisting with substance abuse and employment issues.
Obtained and managed a $5M American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant, created 13 state positions, implemented a complex comprehensive health and wellness strategy for the state.
Currently manage highly complex budget exceeding $8 million, allocating funds to state and federal employees and contractors; consistently maintains balanced budget.
Secured $30M of Air Force innovation funds within three years of program implementation, with $9.5M procured in 2024, working with WI businesses to implement technology efficiencies.
Partnered with UW-Madison (Center for Technology Commercialization) and the Governor's Office to acquire a $600K Federal and State Technology (FAST) grant focused on increasing assistance and training for female, minority and Veteran-run businesses.
Served as a Finance Budget Officer, deploying to Washington DC where I worked on the Crisis Action Team at Andrew Air Force Base, Maryland, Virginia. ​
Leadership and Operations Management
Led Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) change management efforts as Chief of Communications during a transition from fighter jets to RPAs, one of the first military Guard units to transition to unmanned aircraft in the nation.
Led partnership discussions between Wisconsin National Guard, Papua New Guinea, and Australian military leaders to support international wellness and diversity initiatives.
Held highest federal communication position in the state, deftly managed statewide crisis communication, leading response to COVID, civil disturbances, F-16 fighter jet crash, and election support efforts.
Obtained a master's degree in strategic leadership, with almost 30 years of service in the military, and 20 years as a military officer.
Traveled to Washington, DC where I briefed Lieutenant General Jon Jensen, a 3-star Army General and (then) Director of the Army National Guard and effectively advocated for Wisconsin's health programs during the State of the State. I successfully acquired funding for two additional positions, two years ahead of schedule to ensure program success.​
Board Engagement
Serve as an executive advisor and military liaison to Lake Effect Labs, a non-profit company focused on increasing innovation and partnerships within the community and the military.
Currently a committee chair of the Wisconsin National Guard Association, serving as the Administration Officer and event organizer of the Milwaukee National Conference in Aug 2025.
Served as an active board member with HeartSprings Community Healing Center ( from 2013-2017, promoting wellness programs with a focus on military members. Instrumental to integrating specialized yoga to Veterans suffering from military sexual trauma and incorporating health classes at the Fargo VA Medical Hospital.
Served as board treasurer for the North Dakota Guard Association of the U.S. from 2004-2008.
Lifetime member of the National Guard Association of the US, attend annual board meetings.​​
Communication and Collaboration
Communication expert with 20+ years as a public affairs and community relations experience within my military and civilian careers.
Served as the State Public Affairs Officer, the highest federal communication position within the state, and responsible for the communication strategy for the WI National Guard. Managed the office during the COVID pandemic, focused on military operations, civil unrest, F-16 jet crash, and election support.